Saturday, October 13, 2012

Denim Fall Wreath

Fall is finally here! bring on the sweaters, scarves, boots and hot cocoa! in honor of this glorious season i decided to make a cute fall wreath.

You will need:
1 foam tubing from Home Depot ( you could also use a foam wreath mold but the tubing is cheaper)
denim from old jeans or burlap
fake flowers,leaves, or whatever your heart desires
pretty ribbon
hot glue gun
duct tape

so first, if you are using the foam tubing ( i found that the smaller sizes work better) cut it to the size you want. i think mine was around three and a half feet but i'm not sure.
next take the two ends and put them together like in the picture above. if your tubing has kinks in it then you may need to get a smaller size so i recommend testing it at the store.
next use the duct tape to put them together. i had a friend help me with this part. wrap it two or three times so that it is secure.
it should look like this. if it isn't completely round, try to play around with it until you are satisfied.

now its time for your fabric of choice. i used old jeans legs from an old pair of jeans i turned into shorts.cut it into strips that are about 3" wide. they don't have to be even.
now put some glue on the end of one of your strips and place it on the wreath. now start wrapping.
when you reach the end put more glue on the end and put it on the wreath and push down slightly. do this until the wreath is covered.

it should look something like this.
now it's time for the flowers! pull them off the stems so that they look like this.
now put some glue on the end of your leaves. i also put some down the middle of the back of the leaf to keep it more secure.  keep gluing flowers and leaves where you want them. i recommend putting the leaves or flat stuff down first.

when you are done the flowers should look something like this. tie a pretty bow at the bottom to finish it off.
and now you are done! i took the hem from my jeans and tied it to the top of the wreath to hang it from. Yay! now you have a pretty fall wreath.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fake Sea Glass

today i'm gonna show you how to make regular glass look like sea glass.
you need: White Elmer's glue
food coloring
clean dry glass

first mix glue and food coloring together to the desired color. i usually mix it in a plastic cup with a wood coffee stirrer. 
once it is all mixed take your paintbrush and start painting from the bottom up. when you paint it it will look a little drippy and you might see some brush strokes but they will eventually go away as it dries.
see how its drippy and looks like you painted it with glue and food coloring? ;)
well it will look like this in about two hours!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fake Tattoo

so almost every week i draw myself a fake tattoo with sharpie. i know that it doesn't stay but remember: It's a lady's perogative to change her mind! so here is my aristocats quote tattoo of the week! "Ladies don't start fights but they can finish them."

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Super Cute Crop Top

so today i'm going to show you how to make a cute crop top from those old over sized shirts that hide in the back of our closets.

So first you are going to need:
1 oversized tee shirt

so first lay your t-shirt down backwards and draw a sort of smile shape

then cut
then flip it over and draw a sort of frowny shape (sorry for the upside down pic)
then cut again
and there you have it! a super cute crop top!!!! the white one in the picture has writing on it that I painted on with fabric paint but that will have to wait til next time. bye!

About me

Hello there! My name is Grace and I love to craft, paint, draw, and pretty much anything creative. I have three ADORABLE kittens and love anything British or French. I love my family and pretty much anything magical. I hope you enjoy my blog!